最後更新日期 2024-06-02 ,由 support 進行編輯。

最後更新日期 2024-06-02 ,由 support 進行編輯。

DaVinci Resolve 簡稱 Resolve。台灣地區沒有官方翻譯,習慣都稱之為「達文西」;中國大陸正式翻譯是「達芬奇」

DaVinci Resolve 是一款在一個軟體中,將剪輯、調色、視覺合成特效和音頻後期製作融於一身的解決方案!它採用美觀新穎的界面設計,易學易用,能讓新手用戶快速上手操作,還能提供專業人士需要的強大性能。有了 DaVinci Resolve,您無需學習使用多套軟體,也不用在多款軟體之間切換來完成不同的任務,從而以更快的速度製作出更優質的作品。這意味著您在製作全程都可以使用攝影機原始畫質影像。只要一套軟體,就相當於獲得了屬於您自己的後期製作工作室!學習和掌握 DaVinci Resolve,就能獲得好萊塢專業人士所使用的同款製作工具!


DaVinci Resolve 19 Beta 3 公開測試版

  • 發布日期:2024-05-24

此軟體更新是 DaVinci Resolve 19 公開測試版。提高 UltraNR 降噪的速度性能,以及為單個片段啓用音樂混音器的功能。更新還增加了對在 Windows 用戶界面上以 HDR 格式查看內容的支持,以及在節點堆疊中一次性重置所有圖層或繞過單個圖層的功能。

更新還改進了編輯時的光標刷新操作,以及整體回放功能。它還增加了更清晰的音頻,在複雜的嵌套時間線中不會出現偽影,在偏好設置中支持 DaVinci Resolve Micro 調光盤的電池電量等。

DaVinci Resolve 19 Beta 2 公開測試版

  • 發布日期:2024-05-03

此軟體更新是 DaVinci Resolve 19 公開測試版。這個測試版改善與錯誤修復,包括對素材或節點堆棧層應用等級的功能、支持回放過程中的安全區域覆蓋以及在媒體管理中更好地進行聲音修剪。


Items marked with * are in progress.


  • New multi source option to view time-synced footage.
  • Support for displaying clip markers and keyframes.
  • Support for a large enhanced viewer in the cut page.
  • Live overwrite now starts with a single frame duration by default.
  • Interactive Resolve FX and Fusion effect overlays in the viewer.
  • Improved grouping of Fusion effects.

Replay Workflows

  • Support for the cut page as a media player and playout system.
  • Support for the DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor.
  • View ATEM multiview feeds live inside DaVinci Resolve.
  • Add points of interest and create replays from multiview and timeline.
  • Cue and run replays with live slow motion.
  • Pick from slow motion, ramp down and other retime presets.
  • Apply auto stingers to start and end of playback.
  • Automatically add replays to build highlights timelines.

DaVinci Neural Engine

  • IntelliTrack AI point tracker for tracking and stabilization.
  • AI powered UltraNR noise reduction for spatial denoising.
  • New voice isolation mode with faster response and buffering.
  • IntelliTrack powered audio panning to video in Fairlight.
  • New faster option for Speed Warp.
  • Music Remixer FX to remix voice, drums, bass, guitar and other sources.
  • Dialogue Separator FX to separate dialogue, background or ambience.
  • Option to detect speakers for text based editing workflows.


  • Ability to edit timeline content based on source clip transcription.
  • Option to display timecode column in the transcription window.
  • Option to search and replace partial words in the transcription window.
  • Select a sentence using mark clip in the transcription window.
  • Place on top button in the transcription window.
  • Ability to import and export transcriptions using SRT files.
  • Ability to detect speakers during transcription.
  • Preview, skim and scrub source audio channels in the inspector file tab.
  • Set common source audio configurations in the inspector.
  • Support for the precision trim editor in the timeline viewer.
  • Ability to select audio channels when aligning clips using waveform.
  • Support for fixed playhead mode in the timeline.
  • Support for bezier controls for Open FX keyframes.
  • Missing Text+ fonts are indicated as a viewer overlay.
  • Ability to edit Text+ titles in the viewer.
  • Ability to use the keyboard numeric keypad for direct timecode entry.
  • Effect library favorites are now categorized.
  • Option to search across all effect library folders.
  • Collapse effect library categories with alt or option double click.
  • Improved snapping and cursor sensitivity on the timeline.
  • Up to 50% faster iris, shape, wipe and simple dissolves on Apple Silicon.


  • Support for updating clip usage for all timelines.
  • Ability to select channels when syncing audio using waveform.
  • Ability to reveal media pool bin from multi bin or search displays.
  • Media management now retains alpha for supported formats.
  • Marker clips are now editable in the media pool list view.
  • Generated proxies now retain reel number metadata.
  • Up to 3.5x faster Super Scale on supported AMD systems.


  • New ColorSlice six vector grading palette.
  • Node Stack allows management of complex grading workflows.
  • Support for ACES AMF 2.0.
  • Option to normalize channels in the RGB mixer.
  • SDI output now shows advanced 3D keyer strokes and marker annotations.
  • Support for double clicking to open a compound node.
  • Preview matte node layers by alt or option hovering over layer entry.
  • Node context menu actions can now be assigned shortcut keys.
  • Support for cleaning up node graph for multiple selected clips.
  • Support for creating smart filters for HDR graded clips.
  • Improved stereoscopic 3D control layouts on advanced and mini panels.
  • Improved viewer zoom increments when using shortcut keys.
  • Option to link Dolby Vision target display selection for trims and preview.
  • Improved HDR Vivid support.
  • Support for FujiFilm Log and Log2 for color managed workflows.


  • Fusion viewers are now color managed.
  • Multi Poly tool for easier rotoscoping of complex objects.
  • Support for Open Color IO 2.3.
  • Support for referenced Fusion compositions in the media pool.
  • USD enhancements for Material X and advanced volumetric shading.
  • Stereoscopic 3D clip support in Fusion compositions.*
  • Multiple shape toolset enhancements.
  • Improved Text+ inspector and on-screen controls.
  • Support for deleting and resetting layers in MultiMerge.
  • Option for sBooleans to retain the upstream style.
  • Option to specify duplication path in duplicate tools.
  • Set control to default now clears animations, modifiers and expressions.
  • Ability to match planar tracker sizes to dissimilar logo and image overlays.
  • Faster rendering of streaming 3D textures in compositions.
  • Up to 3x faster Magic Mask performance in Fusion.
  • New left flow and mid flow UI presets with vertical viewer layouts.

Resolve FX

  • New Film Look Creator.
  • Better Face Refinement box and profile handling and smooth skin options.
  • New Defocus Background isolates foreground with blur.
  • Improved blur quality for Radial Blur and Zoom blur.
  • Smoother sub pixel animation and finer control for Box and Directional blur.
  • Up to 3x faster Beauty, Edge Detect and Watercolor on Mac.
  • Up to 2x faster Beauty, Edge Detect and Watercolor on Nvidia systems.


  • Fully integrated native Ambisonics workflow.
  • IntelliTrack powered audio panning to video.
  • Ability to sidechain VST3 and AU audio effects.
  • Music Remixer FX to remix voice, drums, bass, guitar and other sources.
  • Dialogue Separator FX to separate dialogue, background and ambience.
  • Ducker track FX for auto level management of beds against dialogue.
  • Voice Isolation supports true stereo and improved buffering.
  • Dialogue Leveler has improved with faster cue up time.
  • Improved frequency analyzer displays for spectrum and waterfall options.
  • Multiple improvements for native FX processing.
  • Multiple automation improvements.
  • Support for panning in groups.
  • Support for clip head and tail snapping in focus mode.
  • Support for zoom to fit for timeline view.
  • Support for LTC and MTC chase.*
  • Support for an exclusive solo mode.
  • Support for fades with Dolby Atmos compositions.
  • Arming a track now patches default audio inputs.
  • Ability to loop playback over range from Fairlight panels.
  • Support for dynamic delay compensation with AU plugins.
  • Support for Sony 360RA Walkmix audio formats and plugin.
  • Improved ADM and Vivid audio with MPEG-H SDK 2.75.
  • Support for third party auto conform workflows.


  • Up to 3x faster H.264 and H.265 decodes on non Studio in Windows.
  • Up to 2x faster H.264 and H.265 native encodes in Windows.
  • Support for encoding IMF packages with JPEG HT content.
  • Up to 2x faster decodes for ZIP1 compressed OpenEXR sequences.
  • Support for alpha-based HEIC formats.
  • Support for encoding FLAC audio.
  • Support for 44.1 KHz and other audio sample rates in Linux.
  • Render support for odd numbered resolutions in mov and avi formats.
  • Initial support for iPhone Cinematic video on Mac OS Sonoma.
  • DaVinci IO Encode Plugin SDK support for audio only formats.
  • Support for Sony XAVC H raw controls.
  • Support for embedded LUTs in Sony MXF and MP4 clips.
  • GPU accelerated decodes for ARRI Codex HDE on CUDA.

Scripting API

  • Support for managing clip color groups.
  • Ability to query timeline, clip and group node graphs.
  • Support for enumerating tools used in a given node.
  • Support for setting and getting color keyframe mode.
  • Ability to export clip LUTs.
  • Ability to export timeline ALE and CDL.
  • Ability to import OpenTimelineIO timelines with custom import options.


  • Organization profile support for Blackmagic Cloud.
  • Support for Blackmagic Cloud monthly Studio licenses.
  • Improved Blackmagic Cloud media sync dialog.
  • Open FX Resolve Renderer plugin for external VFX applications.
  • Support for German and Italian user interface localizations.
  • Support for duplicating local project libraries.
  • Support for restoring timeline backups from deleted timelines.
  • Loading large timelines now shows a progress bar.
  • Support for disabling specific video tracks for a render job.
  • Option to optimize audio loudness and peaks in render settings.
  • Support for HDR displays on Windows.*
  • Support for HDR scans using the new Cintel scanner 8mm gate.
  • Support for black and white scans from the Cintel scanner.
  • Clip flags and colors support in data burn-ins.
  • New workflow integration example for common MAM APIs.
  • DaVinci Remote Monitoring using IP address connections.
  • Option to specify a custom TURN server for remote monitoring.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

DaVinci Resolve 19 Beta 1 公開測試版

  • 發布日期:2024-04-13

此軟體更新是 DaVinci Resolve 19 公開測試版,該測試版增加了對新的 DaVinci 神經引擎人工智慧工具和 100 多個功能升級的支援,包括新的色彩分級調光盤和 Resolve FX、Fairlight AI 聲音平移、擴充套件的 USD 工具和 multi-source 編輯。 此外,還支援 Blackmagic Cloud 中的新組織應用程式,改進了編輯的轉錄工作流和 Fusion 中的 multipoly rotoscoping。 DaVinci Resolve Studio 還包括新的人工智慧工具,包括IntelliTrack AI 和 ColorSlice。


Items marked with * are in progress.


  • New multi source option to view time-synced footage.
  • Support for displaying clip markers and keyframes.
  • Support for a large enhanced viewer in the cut page.
  • Live overwrite now starts with a single frame duration by default.
  • Interactive Resolve FX and Fusion effect overlays in the viewer.
  • Improved grouping of Fusion effects.

Replay Workflows

  • Support for the cut page as a media player and playout system.
  • Support for the DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor.
  • View ATEM multiview feeds live inside DaVinci Resolve.
  • Add points of interest and create replays from multiview and timeline.
  • Cue and run replays with live slow motion.
  • Pick from slow motion, ramp down and other retime presets.
  • Apply auto stingers to start and end of playback.
  • Automatically add replays to build highlights timelines.

DaVinci Neural Engine

  • IntelliTrack AI point tracker for tracking and stabilization.
  • AI powered UltraNR noise reduction for spatial denoising.
  • New voice isolation mode with faster response and buffering.
  • IntelliTrack powered audio panning to video in Fairlight.
  • New faster option for Speed Warp.
  • Music Remixer FX to remix voice, drums, bass, guitar and other sources.
  • Dialogue Separator FX to separate dialogue, background or ambience.
  • Option to detect speakers for text based editing workflows.


  • Ability to edit timeline content based on source clip transcription.
  • Option to display timecode column in the transcription window.
  • Option to search and replace partial words in the transcription window.
  • Select a sentence using mark clip in the transcription window.
  • Place on top button in the transcription window.
  • Ability to import and export transcriptions using SRT files.
  • Ability to detect speakers during transcription.
  • Preview, skim and scrub source audio channels in the inspector file tab.
  • Set common source audio configurations in the inspector.
  • Support for the precision trim editor in the timeline viewer.
  • Ability to select audio channels when aligning clips using waveform.
  • Support for fixed playhead mode in the timeline.
  • Support for bezier controls for Open FX keyframes.
  • Missing Text+ fonts are indicated as a viewer overlay.
  • Ability to edit Text+ titles in the viewer.
  • Ability to use the keyboard numeric keypad for direct timecode entry.
  • Effect library favorites are now categorized.
  • Option to search across all effect library folders.
  • Collapse effect library categories with alt or option double click.
  • Improved snapping and cursor sensitivity on the timeline.
  • Up to 50% faster iris, shape, wipe and simple dissolves on Apple Silicon.


  • Support for updating clip usage for all timelines.
  • Ability to select channels when syncing audio using waveform.
  • Ability to reveal media pool bin from multi bin or search displays.
  • Media management now retains alpha for supported formats.
  • Marker clips are now editable in the media pool list view.
  • Generated proxies now retain reel number metadata.
  • Up to 3.5x faster Super Scale on supported AMD systems.


  • New ColorSlice six vector grading palette.
  • Node Stack allows management of complex grading workflows.
  • Support for ACES AMF 2.0.
  • Option to normalize channels in the RGB mixer.
  • SDI output now shows advanced 3D keyer strokes and marker annotations.
  • Support for double clicking to open a compound node.
  • Preview matte node layers by alt or option hovering over layer entry.
  • Node context menu actions can now be assigned shortcut keys.
  • Support for cleaning up node graph for multiple selected clips.
  • Support for creating smart filters for HDR graded clips.
  • Improved stereoscopic 3D control layouts on advanced and mini panels.
  • Improved viewer zoom increments when using shortcut keys.
  • Option to link Dolby Vision target display selection for trims and preview.
  • Improved HDR Vivid support.
  • Support for FujiFilm Log and Log2 for color managed workflows.


  • Fusion viewers are now color managed.
  • Multi Poly tool for easier rotoscoping of complex objects.
  • Support for Open Color IO 2.3.
  • Support for referenced Fusion compositions in the media pool.
  • USD enhancements for Material X and advanced volumetric shading.
  • Stereoscopic 3D clip support in Fusion compositions.*
  • Multiple shape toolset enhancements.
  • Improved Text+ inspector and on-screen controls.
  • Support for deleting and resetting layers in MultiMerge.
  • Option for sBooleans to retain the upstream style.
  • Option to specify duplication path in duplicate tools.
  • Set control to default now clears animations, modifiers and expressions.
  • Ability to match planar tracker sizes to dissimilar logo and image overlays.
  • Faster rendering of streaming 3D textures in compositions.
  • Up to 3x faster Magic Mask performance in Fusion.
  • New left flow and mid flow UI presets with vertical viewer layouts.

Resolve FX

  • New Film Look Creator.
  • Better Face Refinement box and profile handling and smooth skin options.
  • New Defocus Background isolates foreground with blur.
  • Improved blur quality for Radial Blur and Zoom blur.
  • Smoother sub pixel animation and finer control for Box and Directional blur.
  • Up to 3x faster Beauty, Edge Detect and Watercolor on Mac.
  • Up to 2x faster Beauty, Edge Detect and Watercolor on Nvidia systems.


  • Fully integrated native Ambisonics workflow.
  • IntelliTrack powered audio panning to video.
  • Ability to sidechain VST3 and AU audio effects.
  • Music Remixer FX to remix voice, drums, bass, guitar and other sources.
  • Dialogue Separator FX to separate dialogue, background and ambience.
  • Ducker track FX for auto level management of beds against dialogue.
  • Voice Isolation supports true stereo and improved buffering.
  • Dialogue Leveler has improved with faster cue up time.
  • Improved frequency analyzer displays for spectrum and waterfall options.
  • Multiple improvements for native FX processing.
  • Multiple automation improvements.
  • Support for panning in groups.
  • Support for clip head and tail snapping in focus mode.
  • Support for zoom to fit for timeline view.
  • Support for LTC and MTC chase.*
  • Support for an exclusive solo mode.
  • Support for fades with Dolby Atmos compositions.
  • Arming a track now patches default audio inputs.
  • Ability to loop playback over range from Fairlight panels.
  • Support for dynamic delay compensation with AU plugins.
  • Support for Sony 360RA Walkmix audio formats and plugin.
  • Improved ADM and Vivid audio with MPEG-H SDK 2.75.
  • Support for third party auto conform workflows.


  • Up to 3x faster H.264 and H.265 decodes on non Studio in Windows.
  • Up to 2x faster H.264 and H.265 native encodes in Windows.
  • Support for encoding IMF packages with JPEG HT content.
  • Up to 2x faster decodes for ZIP1 compressed OpenEXR sequences.
  • Support for alpha-based HEIC formats.
  • Support for encoding FLAC audio.
  • Support for 44.1 KHz and other audio sample rates in Linux.
  • Render support for odd numbered resolutions in mov and avi formats.
  • Initial support for iPhone Cinematic video on Mac OS Sonoma.
  • DaVinci IO Encode Plugin SDK support for audio only formats.
  • Support for Sony XAVC H raw controls.
  • Support for embedded LUTs in Sony MXF and MP4 clips.
  • GPU accelerated decodes for ARRI Codex HDE on CUDA.

Scripting API

  • Support for managing clip color groups.
  • Ability to query timeline, clip and group node graphs.
  • Support for enumerating tools used in a given node.
  • Support for setting and getting color keyframe mode.
  • Ability to export clip LUTs.
  • Ability to export timeline ALE and CDL.
  • Ability to import OpenTimelineIO timelines with custom import options.


  • Organization profile support for Blackmagic Cloud.
  • Support for Blackmagic Cloud monthly Studio licenses.
  • Improved Blackmagic Cloud media sync dialog.
  • Open FX Resolve Renderer plugin for external VFX applications.
  • Support for German and Italian user interface localizations.
  • Support for duplicating local project libraries.
  • Support for restoring timeline backups from deleted timelines.
  • Loading large timelines now shows a progress bar.
  • Support for disabling specific video tracks for a render job.
  • Option to optimize audio loudness and peaks in render settings.
  • Support for HDR displays on Windows.*
  • Support for HDR scans using the new Cintel scanner 8mm gate.
  • Support for black and white scans from the Cintel scanner.
  • Clip flags and colors support in data burn-ins.
  • New workflow integration example for common MAM APIs.
  • DaVinci Remote Monitoring using IP address connections.
  • Option to specify a custom TURN server for remote monitoring.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

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