最後更新日期 2024-04-14 ,由 support 進行編輯。

最後更新日期 2024-04-14 ,由 support 進行編輯。

DaVinci Resolve 簡稱 Resolve。台灣地區沒有官方翻譯,習慣都稱之為「達文西」;中國大陸正式翻譯是「達芬奇」

DaVinci Resolve 是一款在一個軟體中,將剪輯、調色、視覺合成特效和音頻後期製作融於一身的解決方案!它採用美觀新穎的界面設計,易學易用,能讓新手用戶快速上手操作,還能提供專業人士需要的強大性能。有了 DaVinci Resolve,您無需學習使用多套軟體,也不用在多款軟體之間切換來完成不同的任務,從而以更快的速度製作出更優質的作品。這意味著您在製作全程都可以使用攝影機原始畫質影像。只要一套軟體,就相當於獲得了屬於您自己的後期製作工作室!學習和掌握 DaVinci Resolve,就能獲得好萊塢專業人士所使用的同款製作工具!

DaVinci Resolve 18.6.6 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2024-03-20

這次的版本更新添加了針對 AVC MXF Op Atom格式的支援,改進了 QuickTime Alpha 讀取。也讓 8K 的 X-OCN 格式的影片在剪輯時有更高的效能。


  • Ability to encode Panasonic AVC 100 and 50 in MXF Op Atom formats.
  • Option to encode big endian LPCM audio in QuickTime.
  • Addressed default alpha mode interpretation for some QuickTime media.
  • Addressed incorrect path separators in some project settings on Windows.
  • Addressed some Sony XAVC H clips being shown as offline.
  • Addressed a media management issue trimming Sony 8K X-OCN clips.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

DaVinci Resolve 18.6.5 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2024-02-07

這次的版本升級添加了針對 Blackmagic RAW 3.6.1 和 Sony Burano 檔案的支援,並且改進了在 Open TimelineIO 中輸入和輸出復合片段和片段標記的功能。也為 Blackmagic Cinema Camera 6K 和 Micro Studio Camera 4K G2 素材添加了 AI 穩定功能,並且改進了 EXR 檔案標籤功能以及選擇多個片段的快速方式。


  • Support for Blackmagic RAW SDK 3.6.1.
  • Support for Sony Burano X-OCN clips.
  • Gyro stabilization with Blackmagic Cinema Camera 6K.
  • Ability to import and export compound clips in OpenTimelineIO.
  • Ability to import and export clip markers in OpenTimelineIO.
  • Import module support for Python 3.12.
  • Multi-layer EXR mattes now use the layer name as default node label.
  • The add new version key shortcut now works with multiple clip selections.
  • The new version action now applies correctly on the selected clip.
  • Curves and HDR zones graphs now display correctly in compound nodes.
  • Addressed an issue with the Fusion fold transition at some resolutions.
  • Addressed an issue when rotating clips with Resolve FX Depth Map.
  • Addressed an exposure issue for some media managed Sony XAVC clips.
  • Addressed artifacts with Dolby Vision trims on some AMD systems.
  • Addressed artifacts with ACES transforms on some AMD based Macs.
  • Addressed incorrect control ranges in Resolve FX Relight directional mode.
  • Addressed issue with dynamic project switching from the Fusion page.
  • Addressed a mesh point update issue changing Fusion grid warp size.
  • Addressed issue with HDR option visibility in Fusion color space transform.
  • Addressed media sync issues after bin import or copy in cloud projects.
  • Addressed audio normalization setting not retained with render presets.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

DaVinci Resolve 18.6.4 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2023-12-05

這次的版本升級添加了Blackmagic RAW 3.6 支持、媒體檔案夾轉錄功能、上傳共享片段的用戶細節信息以及光箱工作區的片段色彩篩選功能。此外,如今 Camera RAW 設置可以在時間線備份時被保留,且添加音頻片段時 Fairlight 自動化顯示也會被保留。


  • Support for Blackmagic RAW SDK 3.6.
  • New UI indicator for timelines with custom settings.
  • Transcribe audio and clear transcription context menus for bins.
  • New media pool column to show where the media was uploaded from.
  • Scripting API support to convert a timeline to stereoscopic 3D.
  • Scripting API support to create stereo clips in the media pool.
  • Scripting API support to create, import, and restore cloud projects.
  • Additional scripting API inputs for creating subtitles from audio.
  • Addressed incorrect trim cursors persisting outside the edit timeline.
  • Addressed missing clip color filter in lightbox options.
  • Addressed an issue with timeline backups not retaining RAW settings.
  • Addressed incorrect colortrace behavior for timelines in the same project.
  • Addressed advanced panel picker offset on some high resolution displays.
  • Addressed incorrect automation display scenarios after adding tracks.
  • Addressed issue with Fusion particle positions using image emitters.
  • Addressed USD loader trim and time scale issue for new assets.
  • Addressed issue with updating Fusion overlay control positions.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

DaVinci Resolve 18.6.3 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2023-11-14

這次的版本升級為雲項目添加了從網絡檔案夾同步媒體檔案的支援,增設了防止在上傳檔案或生成代理檔案期間進入睡眠模式的選項,並且可使用代理檔案交付項目。此外,本次更新還添加瞭解碼 4:2:2 HEIF 和 HIF 片段的支援,提升了對大型時間線進行波紋編輯時的穩定性,並且改進了對人聲隔離音頻進行並軌時的音頻同步性能。


  • Support for syncing media from network folders for cloud projects.
  • Option to prevent sleep when uploading files or generating proxy for cloud.
  • Configuration dialog when importing projects to a cloud project library.
  • Cloud projects with no media sync now use proxy settings in preferences.
  • Deliver settings option to use proxy media for web presets.
  • Support for per output audio normalization during renders.
  • ACEScg support in RCM with combined gamut and gamma mode.
  • Support for decoding 4:2:2 HEIF and HIF clips.
  • Ability to close the current project from the file menu.
  • Ability to customize aspect ratio for Dolby Vision exports.
  • Improved sort order for Dolby Vision combo boxes.
  • Improved handling of inactive clients in collaboration projects.
  • Addressed an issue with copying projects across cloud libraries.
  • Addressed an issue changing source folder for clips with proxies.
  • Addressed a windowing issue on Macs with Sonoma 14.1.
  • Addressed an issue displaying flags on thumbnails of video only media.
  • Addressed restoring active local version when restoring removed media.
  • Addressed image quality issues with scene cut detected interlaced clips.
  • Addressed an issue with opening the take selector on retimed clips.
  • Addressed an issue changing speed for unlinked audio in the inspector.
  • Addressed an issue with deleting transitions with an in out range in edit.
  • Addressed a performance issue when ripple editing large timelines.
  • Addressed an issue with color picker in Resolve FX 3D keyer in edit.
  • Addressed gaps when ripple deleting interlaced clips with frame alignment.
  • Addressed multiple tracking and drawing issues for magic mask in Fusion.
  • Improved speed of transforming objects with MaterialX materials in Fusion.
  • Copying grade with mattes now prioritizes layer name over index.
  • Addressed incorrect saturation with HDR custom curve soft clipping.
  • Addressed power window flicker in dual SDI stereoscopic 3D previews.
  • Addressed gamut limiting issues on ACES ODTs with a P3 D65 gamut.
  • Addressed an issue with power bin timeline matte usage on node graph.
  • Pasted HDR Vivid trim presets now honor the selected mode.
  • Addressed an issue creating new HDR zones in the color page.
  • Addressed an audio sync issue when bouncing audio with voice isolation.
  • Addressed an issue with the arrange modifier in the Fairlight timeline.
  • Improved keyword manager layout.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

DaVinci Resolve 18.6.2 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2023-10-10



  • Duplicating timelines now retains the correct settings.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

DaVinci Resolve 18.6.1 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2023-10-06

這次的版本升級將代理工作流程設置為預設選擇,改進了導入舊項目時的雲同步處理,修復了執行波紋剪輯時的時間線延遲問題,提升了剪輯或移動片段時的播放性能,並且提供更好的多通道音頻導入操作。除此之外,本次更新還改善了當前時間線的顯示功能,並且提升了系統穩定性,從而更好地處理 3D 文本。


  • Systems now default to prefer proxy for single and multi user projects.
  • Addressed a cloud sync issue with projects updated from 18.5.
  • Addressed delays when performing ripple edits on long timelines.
  • Addressed issue where editing or moving clips would stop playback.
  • Addressed issue showing retimed clips with handles on the color page.
  • Addressed issue navigating clips with show handles enabled.
  • Addressed issue with grabbing stills after deleting a gallery album.
  • Addressed issue importing suffixed multi mono files from media storage.
  • Addressed waveform jump issue when performing multiframe nudges.
  • Addressed issue navigating powergrades album in certain sort modes.
  • Improved in or out point behavior in the transcription window.
  • Dolby Vision 300 nit target display is now available.
  • Addressed issue with multiple timelines showing as current timeline.
  • Addressed a crash when using certain fonts on Text3D.
  • Addressed issue with grid depth occlusion in the USD viewer.
  • Addressed issue with disappearing key markers in the splines view.
  • Addressed issue with moving locked point selections in the splines view.
  • Addressed issue with polyline point scale and twist in the Edit viewer.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

DaVinci Resolve 18.6 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2023-09-15

這次的版本升級為新品 Blackmagic Camera 和 Blackmagic Cloud Storage 雲端儲存工作流程添加支持,可自動將媒體池和項目媒體檔案夾的檔案同步到所有項目協作人員,並且可在後台生成代理檔案。此外,本次更新還添加了標題文本外描邊、字幕字體大小寫、3D 形狀擠出、帶有材質和體積的 USD 場景渲染等支持,以及渲染時可選擇音頻響度標準的支援,並且更新了移除未使用片段的工具等。DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.6 版本升級為最新版 Dolby Vision 杜比視界和 UWA Audio Vivid 3D 空間音頻格式添加了支援。


  • New Blackmagic Camera cloud workflow syncs captures to cloud projects.
  • Support for Blackmagic Cloud Storage with synced project media and files.
  • Automatic proxy generation and upload to Blackmagic Cloud Storage.
  • Support for outer text stroke in titles and subtitles.
  • Ability to assign and apply favorite keywords to clips and markers.
  • Support for Fusion USD scenes with materials and volumes.
  • Import multiple mono audio files with suffixes as a multichannel clip.
  • Support for target audio loudness standards on renders.

DaVinci Resolve 18.5.1 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2023-08-14

這次的版本升級為穩定片段提供了更好的支持從而可以保留調色版本,總線軌道音頻播放性能更佳,並且 Power Window 和 Power Window 數據的複製和貼上操作更加一致。此外,當在高效 CPU 和 GPU 系統上使用人聲隔離時,DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.5.1 提升了播放效果。


  • Addressed clips incorrectly switching grade version when stabilized.
  • Addressed playback issues with voice isolation on some systems.
  • Addressed audio playback issues when adding tracks to bus 25 or higher.
  • Addressed a potential issue pasting tracking data between power windows.
  • Addressed issues with pasting tracked power windows.
  • Addressed missing audio effects when decomposing timelines.
  • Addressed an issue with some Open FX overlays on Windows and Linux.
  • Addressed playhead sometimes not updating when in offline viewer mode.
  • Addressed an adjustment clip trim issue in the Fairlight page.
  • Addressed a startup crash during Fairlight load.
  • Addressed incorrect file location when bouncing clips with audio effects.
  • Addressed a memory issue with some Fusion tools.
  • Addressed an issue with USD viewer selection in Windows and Linux.
  • Addressed a crash in Resolve FX Relight on macOS 12.5 and below.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

DaVinci Resolve 18.5 版本升級

  • 發布日期:2023-07-21

這次的版本升級將安裝 DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.5 正式版,添加新的 AI 工具支持以及 100 多項新的功能,包括基於文本的剪輯、AI 對白轉錄、新的快編頁面剪輯工具集、新的Fairlight混音自動化和 Universal Scene Description 通用場景描述文件支持。


Key Features

  • Multiple cut page improvements.
  • Support for Blackmagic Cloud Presentations.
  • DaVinci Neural Engine based subtitles from audio in Studio.
  • DaVinci Neural Engine powered text based editing in Studio.
  • Support for Universal Scene Description based workflows in Fusion.
  • New Fusion multi merge tool for compositing multiple layers.
  • Multiple remote monitoring improvements.
  • Support for fast per-timeline backups.
  • Per-timeline Resolve Color Management.
  • Support for edit and mix groups in Fairlight.
  • Support for AI-based audio classification in Studio.


  • Multiple timeline display improvements.
    • Support for subtitles in the cut timeline.
    • Enlarge a track by clicking on icon in the track header.
    • Options to display clip names and indicators.
    • Improved smart indicator and edit point display.
    • Out of sync indicators for edited sync clips.
  • Multiple timeline action improvements.
    • Automatically detect and create captions from timeline audio.
    • Perform DaVinci Neural Engine scene cuts in the cut timeline.
    • Add audio, video and subtitle tracks.
    • Split and join adjacent clips.
    • Ripple option to toggle ripple edits on main track.
    • Add markers and set default marker color.
  • New edit actions.
    • Ability to create split edits by rolling or trimming audio.
    • Alt or Option trim to bypass ripple and add a gap on the main track.
    • Trim and extend edit clip start or end to playhead.
    • Resync misaligned synced clips.
  • Reorganized toolbar for quick access to view options and edit actions.
  • Right click on smooth cut to access favorite transitions on the toolbar.
  • Cut page track numbering unified with other pages.
  • Export current frame as still from media, cut and edit viewers.
  • New motion graphic effects templates and transitions in cut and edit.


  • Support for AI-based audio classification in Studio.
  • Support for fast per-timeline backups.
  • Support for additional automatic smart bins.
  • Import and export timelines using the OpenTimelineIO format.
  • New 2x Enhanced Super Scale algorithm.
  • Ability to set Super Scale settings for media from the inspector.
  • Metadata panel support for marker subclips.
  • Ability to clear in-out ranges for multiple clips.
  • Ability to change the starting timecode for multiple timeline selections.
  • Ability to reorder favorites in media storage.
  • Ability to clear recent media history in the source viewer.
  • Support for custom pixel aspect ratios in clip attributes.
  • Improved proxy linking for clips without timecode.


  • DaVinci Neural Engine based subtitles from audio in Studio.
  • DaVinci Neural Engine powered text based editing in Studio.
  • Ability to add and delete keyframes using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Ability to modify keyframes during playback on the edit timeline.
  • Export current frame as still from media, cut and edit viewers.
  • Ability to drag video tracks to reorder in the track index.
  • Ability to stabilize multiple selected clips from the timeline.
  • Retime curve now invokes the speed curve by default.
  • Option to copy grades from flattened multicams to multicam angles.
  • Ability to manage render caches across projects.
  • Ability to manually relink missing VFX Connect clips.
  • Ability to select all clips under playhead in cut, edit and Fairlight.
  • Ability to set key shortcuts for timeline view options and volume controls.
  • Smoother video updates when the system cannot play in realtime.
  • Improved text wrapping for caption previews in the subtitle inspector.
  • The timecode display window now shows timecode entry previews.
  • The Export Edit Index action is now part of edit index options.


  • Support for importing Universal Scene Description (USD) files.
  • Introduction of the USD toolset for managing USD assets.
  • Support for USD Hydra based renderers including Storm.
  • New multi merge tool for compositing multiple layers.
  • Support for a native AI-based depth map tool in Studio.
  • GPU accelerated Clean Plate.
  • GPU accelerated Anaglyph.
  • Up to 3x faster renders when using Fusion splitter tool.
  • Find in media pool for clips and MediaIns in Fusion page.
  • Support for OpenEXR DWA compression in Fusion savers.
  • Support for BMD Film Gen 5 in Fusion’s CineonLog tool.
  • Support for previewing individual shape tools.
  • Project setting option to disable tone mapping for Fusion conversions.
  • Media pool relink, replace and reveal for USD, FBX and Alembic assets.
  • Project archives now include USD, FBX and Alembic assets.
  • Media pool indicator for offline USD, FBX and Alembic assets.


  • Per-timeline Resolve Color Management.
  • Support for matte finesse post-filter controls in Magic Mask.
  • Ability to undo Camera RAW changes for each clip.
  • Ability to set composite mode in the corrector node.
  • Support for marker overlays and annotations in the viewer.
  • Support for showing missing LUTs as a viewer overlay.
  • Ability to manage missing LUTs from the LUT manager.
  • Ability to sort stills, LUTs and PowerGrade albums in the gallery.
  • Generated LUTs now include spatial Resolve FX DCTL effects.
  • Automatic background refresh of gallery stills for multi user projects.
  • Improved highlight mode behavior during HDR grading.
  • Ability to copy and paste Vivid HDR trim metadata between clips.
  • Improved performance when grading HDR footage.
  • Up to 2x faster spatial noise reduction in Apple silicon.
  • Improved tracking and cache management for Magic Mask.
  • Support for Dolby Vision controls in DaVinci Resolve Mini panels.
  • Support for color warper controls in DaVinci Resolve Mini panels.
  • Ability to reset all qualifiers with the advanced panel.
  • Advanced panels in tracker mode now show active power window controls.
  • External matte node labels now default to the matte file name.
  • Node label is now retained when converting to a shared node.
  • Support for Leica L Log color management.
  • Color space and gamma options are now organized by vendor.

Resolve FX

  • AI-based Resolve FX Relight to add virtual lighting in Studio.
  • Invert Effect option in Resolve FX Glow for a dark glow effect.
  • Option to export Resolve FX Flicker Addition analysis as an alpha channel.
  • Ability to swap in and out colorspaces in Resolve FX Color Transform.
  • Improved handling of blanking in Resolve FX Depth map analysis.
  • Improved patch replacer results at patch edges.
  • Bright region recovery control for Resolve FX Glow and Light Rays.
  • Automatic input and output management for Resolve FX grading nodes.
  • Dragging a Resolve FX now applies it as a color grading node.
  • Alt or option drag a Resolve FX to create an FX node.
  • Support for smart initialization of OFX alpha mixing state.
  • Alt or option resize selection to preserve ratio in warper and surface tracker.
  • Up to 2x faster Beauty, Water Color and Stylize on Nvidia systems.
  • Up to 1.5x faster Lens Blur and Aperture Diffraction on Nvidia systems.


  • Support for track groups in Fairlight.
  • Elastic wave time stretching now features a voice-specific option.
  • Support for nesting VCAs.
  • Enhanced Dolby Atmos support in Studio.
  • Support for voice isolation in Studio for Linux.
  • Support for dialog leveler for Linux.
  • Improved metering previews for muted or soloed tracks and monitors.
  • Ability to set key shortcuts to scroll to selected track in the mixer.
  • Track solos are now retained across project sessions.
  • Ability to pan busses.
  • Ability to select all clips under playhead in cut, edit and Fairlight.
  • Ability to designate track and bus monitor sources from the tracks index.
  • Multiple voice isolation improvements in Studio.
  • Fairlight FX Monitor Control allowing third party Rewire integration.
  • Ability to stream and spot from applications like Soundminer.
  • Shift modifier action for 0.1 dB resolution automation level trimming.


  • Support for Blackmagic Cloud Presentations.
  • Sign in and upload videos directly to TikTok from DaVinci Resolve.
  • Remote Monitoring Improvements in Studio
    • Support for remote monitoring from Mac OS.
    • Improved Mac OS client with support for more formats.
    • New iOS client to monitor on iPad and iPhone.
    • Support for connecting clients using Blackmagic ID.
    • Support for streaming to multiple clients.
    • Support for viewing streams on computer displays.
    • Support for monitoring HDR streams.
  • Ability to upload new versions to Dropbox Replay in Studio.
  • Rocky Linux 8.6 based installation environment for DaVinci Resolve.
  • Press play multiple times for faster playback from the Advanced panel.
  • DRT exports now include groups and shared nodes.
  • DRA project archives now include VFX Connect media.
  • Optimized Blackmagic Cloud project library connections.
  • New vertical resolution timelines and projects default to full frame with crop.
  • Speed warp option for default motion estimation mode in project settings.
  • Stabilization, scene cut and other progress dialogs show analysis speed.
  • Quick export icon on edit and color pages.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

Scripting & APIs

  • Scripting API support to import and export DRT and DRB files.
  • Scripting API support to load data burn presets.
  • Scripting API support to get node label.
  • Scripting API support to apply ARRI CDL and LUT to a clip.
  • Scripting API support for querying and setting clip enabled state.
  • Scripting API support to add, delete, enable and lock timeline tracks.
  • Scripting API support to delete and link timeline clips.
  • Scripting API support to trigger object mask tracking.
  • Scripting API support to trigger stabilization.
  • Scripting API support to invoke scene cut detection in timelines.
  • Scripting API support to enable smart reframe for clips.
  • Scripting API support to create subtitles from timeline audio.
  • Scripting API support for adding subclips to the media pool.
  • Additional track and record frame inputs when adding clips to timeline.
  • Additional record frame input when creating a timeline from media.
  • Supported containers for selected codecs are now listed in the encode API.
  • Ability to specify data and video range in the encode API.

Codec Support

  • Support for Blackmagic RAW SDK 3.3.
  • Support for rendering JPEG and PNG image sequences.
  • Support for rendering animated GIF clips.
  • Support for decoding AC3 audio in Linux.
  • Ability to decode LogC3 ARRI clips as LogC4.
  • Support for raw controls for Sony XAVC clips.
  • Ability to import MKV chapters as media markers.
  • Ability to export timeline markers as MKV chapters.
  • Hardware accelerated VP9 decodes in Resolve for supported Nvidia cards.
  • Up to 50% faster encode speeds for Sony XAVC 420 8-bit clips.
  • Support for decoding AV1 from MKV and WEBM clips.
  • Support for encoding and decoding FFV1 formats.
  • Encode support for ProRes, AV1, H.264, H.265, MP3, AAC in MKV clips.
  • Custom compression levels when rendering ZIP formatted EXRs.
  • Improved bitrate and quality when encoding AAC audio in Windows 11.
  • Hardware accelerated encode support for AV1 in AMD systems.
  • Ability to use multiple hardware encoders in supported AMD systems.
  • Up to 30% faster Apple ProRes hardware accelerated encode.
  • Better disk usage estimates when rendering ProRes clips on Apple silicon.
  • Quick export renders now include active subtitle and data burn in.

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