Product Information & Customer Reviews
DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard 鍵盤為專業剪輯師量身打造,能實現高效工作和快速交付。DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard 不同於普通鍵盤,能讓您充分利用雙手同時展開工作,帶來比鼠標更為快速的獨特剪輯操作!此外,這款鍵盤還整合了搜索旋鈕控制。通過 USB-C 將鍵盤連接到電腦上,就可以立即開始剪輯!DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard 的大部分按鍵沿用了標準 USB 鍵盤的按鍵功能,專為 DaVinci Resolve 軟體搭配使用所設計,帶來更為快速的剪輯體驗。
- 供應廠商直接配送,庫存情形依廠商而定
- 以上等規格資料若有任何錯誤,以原廠官方網站所公佈資料為準
- 特別注意:本產品屬於接單生產、進口、特別訂製、國外代訂或特別訂購商品,本商品不接受退換貨,部分產品需預付訂金,訂單完成概不接受退換貨。
Physical Specifications
- 廠商提供一年有限保修
My Story
I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.